Here are the coupons (all expire 8/29)
$3 off Claritin 20 ct or Childrens chewable
$2 off Huggies Wipes 64-216 Count
$1 off Nabisco chips ahoy! 15-15.25oz
$2 off Triaminic (liquid 4oz, Spray.67oz, Thin Strips 14ct)
$1 off Green and Black's Chocolate Bar 3.5oz
.50/1 zone perfect 1.58 or 1.76 OR EAS Myoplex 1.9 or 3.17oz
$1 off 2 South Beach cereal bars (5 or 6pack) or Nabisco 100cal bars/packs(5-10pk)
$2 off One-a-Day Teen Advantage 80ct or Flinstones 60ct
$2 off Claritin Tablets, RediTabs or chewables 10c! t OR Children's 4oz syrup
$2 off any one a day or citracal
$4 off Vagistat-1 Ointment .16oz
.50/1 Frito-Lay Stax
$3 off Luster Weekend Tooth whitening system
$1 off 4 Kraft Cup (easy mac or velveeta)
$1 off SeaBreeze 10oz
$1 off 2 capri sun 10pk
$5 off Walgreens Smoking Cessation Gum or Lozenges
.50/1 Craisins
$1 off poppcock 8 - 8.5oz
$1 off KISS Everlasting Nail Kits 24pk
$1 off Kotex Feminie Care Maxipads 28-40ct OR 36pk Tampons
$3 off Silent Snooz Snore Releif 30ct
$2 off Panoxyl Face Wash, bar or treatment
$3 off No Doz 60ct
$1 off Wrigleys 5 Gum 3pk
.50/1 Purina One 3.5 - 4lb
15cent each 4x6 dig prints minimum 50prints
$1.50 off Excedrin Express Gels 20-80ct
These say "Instant Value Coupon, Good at Walgreen's" on the front and the back says "Limit one coupon per customer per offer". They also say "Manufacturer coupon only good at Walgreen's" however everyone is sa! ying they don't take them out of the coupon booklet so they pr! obably a ren't true manuf coupons!